With over 300 locations and counting, Thai Express is quickly becoming one of the leading quick-service Thai restaurant brands in the world. That popularity has meant that individual stores need to constantly find efficiencies, including how they pay employees. And that’s why the Guelph, Ontario location’s bookkeeper, Chris Main, suggested Telpay.
Chris is actually a bookkeeper at Guelph-based Royal City Bookkeeping Services, which used to pay Thai Express Guelph’s employees using a bank’s e-transfer service. That presented a couple of challenges.
“The biggest factor was human error,” says Chris. “There was always a chance that the wrong person could be selected for an e-transfer or a keying error in the amount being paid.”
Processing was also complicated, he adds. “Processing time always depended on when the person accepted the e-transfer. So even if it was processed on time, the deposit could be late because the employee accepted the transfer several days later.”
Already familiar with Telpay, Chris knew the service would eliminate both of these problems, and so he suggested it to Thai Express Guelph.
The franchisee agreed to give Telpay a try, and over a year later hasn’t regretted it.
Now those human errors have been virtually eliminated, payroll is never late, and one more of those much-needed efficiencies has been found.
“Telpay has formed a structure that all parties know when their responsibilities have to take place,” says Chris. “It has made the payroll process much more streamlined and takes less time than the old process.”
It’s worked so well, in fact, that Thai Express Guelph is now considering using Telpay for bill payments and government remittances as well.
Guelph, Ontario
December 2018
Direct deposit
“It has allowed the client to truly see how much their payroll was costing them, and it’s allowed them to tweak their work schedules to become more time efficient and cost effective.”